To the parents of PHS Seniors: Baby pictures for the yearbook are due by Monday, October 26. In-person students may turn their pictures may turn their pictures into Mrs. Natalie. Virtual students may turn their pictures into Mrs. Diana in the Elementary Parent Center or by emailing a scanned copy to Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Elementary Secretary
Parent-Teacher Conference will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 3:30-7:00. An area will be set up in the cafeteria for parents to come pick up their child's grade reports. If a parent wants to speak with a teacher then he/she will be escorted by an aide to the high school building. Parking will be in front of the cafeteria and new gym. Masks are required.
over 4 years ago, High School
Parent Teacher conferences will be held Tuesday, October 20 from 3:30 - 7:00. The conferences are for all virtual and on-site students.
over 4 years ago, Elementary Secretary
Parent-Teacher Conference will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 3:30-7:00. An area will be set up in the cafeteria for parents to come pick up their child's grade reports. If a parent wants to speak with a teacher then he/she will be escorted by an aide to the high school building. Parking will be in front of the cafeteria and new gym. Masks are required.
over 4 years ago, High School
Pee Wee basketball sign up forms need to be turned in this Friday, October 16th. If you are unable to pay the sign up fee that is fine, just go ahead and turn in the form anyway. We want every child to play. We have also decided to allow 2nd grade students to play this year. A form will be sent home today with 2nd grade. Extra forms are located in the PES office. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Elementary Secretary
The October School Board Meeting has been moved to Thursday, October 15th. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the district administration office.
over 4 years ago, Technology Dept
Attention ​Virtual 8th grade students: Please contact school nurse, Mrs. Mia, to make an appointment for vision and hearing screenings that will be given on Wednesday or Thursday morning this week. This is a state required service that the school provides.
over 4 years ago, High School
All Piggott School District Employees are dismissed on Friday, Oct. 9 at 12:30. No one is required to stay on campus.
over 4 years ago, High School
Reminder: Flu Shots will be given tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct. 7 at the High School Building. You must fill out a form. You may pick up a form in the high school office. We will begin at approximately 11:00 a.m. If you would like to call before you come to verify, please do so.
over 4 years ago, High School
The Health Dept. will be providing their annual flu clinic for students and staff @ Piggott High School this Wednesday, October 7th. Forms are available in the front office @ PHS and must be completed and returned in order to receive the flu shot.
over 4 years ago, High School
To all PHS seniors and their parents- All seniors will have their pictures made for the yearbook Tuesday, Oct. 6, between 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. in the high school library. Boys should wear a collared shirt and girls should wear an appropriate top or dress. There will be a $10 required sitting fee due at the time of pictures. Cap and gown composite photos will be made at a later date. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Elementary Secretary
Individual school pictures will be made on Monday, Oct. 5 and Tuesday, Oct. 6. We will begin taking photos Monday morning of on-campus elementary students. Monday afternoon, all kindergarten-11th grade virtual students will have their pictures made between 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the elementary. Tuesday all seniors and on-campus high school students will have their pictures made. Order forms were sent home Friday. Extra order forms will be available the day of pictures. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Elementary Secretary
Flu Shots will be given on Wednesday, October 7 for all students (virtual and face to face) and staff. Any virtual student who needs a flu shot may contact the school about the required forms. Forms are in the offices on both campuses. If you have any questions, you may call the Elementary campus at 870-598-2546 and the High School campus at 870-598-3815.
over 4 years ago, High School
There will be a school board meeting on Tuesday, September 29. The meeting will be at 12:00 in the district administration office.
over 4 years ago, Technology Dept
Mohawk Football Homecoming Royalty Presentation will be Friday, Sept. 25 at 6:00 p.m.
over 4 years ago, High School
Progress Reports go out Thursday, Sept. 24. Progress Reports for Virtual Students are being mailed on Thursday. If you do not receive these reports, you may request another by calling the high school office at 870-598-3815.
over 4 years ago, High School
Homecoming T-shirts are here. If you are a virtual student or an adult who ordered a t-shirt, you may pick it up after 1:30 today, Thursday, Sept 24. T-shirt pick-up will be at the back door of Mrs. Little's classroom by the red explorer.
over 4 years ago, High School
Piggott Schools will be back in session face-to-face on Monday, Sept. 21, 2020. High School students should bring their Chromebooks daily. Students who enrolled in virtual school will continue remote learning.
over 4 years ago, High School
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), In light of recent events, the Piggott School District has decided that our high school students will be going one-to-one with Chromebooks for the rest of this school year. This means that your child will be keeping the Chromebook and charger currently assigned to them and will bring it to school every day. There is insurance available for the Chromebooks for $25 dollars. This will cover any accidental breaks or damages to the Chromebook or charger. If you do not want to take out insurance, you would be responsible for the charges of the repair or replacement costs if the Chromebook can’t be fixed. It will be the same as Textbooks that your child brings home. If for any reason you do not want your child to bring home a Chromebook every day, please let us know. We are working on a checkout policy for these students so they can just check one out and return it every day. Steps to help- • Help your child remember to charge the Chromebook nightly. • Help your child remember to bring the Chromebook to school each day. • Remember to not leave the Chromebook in a hot vehicle. • Don’t spray the Chromebook with bleaches or cleaners • Chromebooks should not be used or stored near pets. • Chromebooks should not be used with the power cord plugged in if the cord may be a tripping hazard. • Heavy objects should never be placed on top of Chromebooks. See website news for instructions on how to clean chromebooks. If you have any questions, please call Piggott High School at 870-598-3815.
over 4 years ago, High School
Monday, September 21, will be the final day to take advanage of the special lower yearbook price. After Monday, the price will increase. Please bring your orders to school to order your 2021 yearbook!
over 4 years ago, Elementary Secretary