Reminder: Next week is spirit week for basketball. Monday is CRAZY DAY! Wear crazy socks, clothes, or just wear your hair crazy!!
about 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
The Piggott Mohawk Football Banquet and Awards Ceremony will be held this afternoon, Saturday, January 12, at 5:00 p.m. in the PHS New Gym. 2019 Arkansas Hall of Fame Inductee, Gary Adams, will be the guest speaker. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome.
about 6 years ago, High School
Thursday is the last day to purchase 2019 Basketball Homecoming T-shirts. Orders with money should be turned in noon on Thursday. Cost is $15 for short sleeve and $22 for long sleeve. Homecoming is Tuesday, January 22. Shirts will be delivered on Friday, Jan. 18.
about 6 years ago, High School
SENIOR Scholarship information is listed in the High School Announcements daily in the NEWS section of the Piggott School website.
about 6 years ago, High School
This is a message for all parents. Friday, December 14, will be our "Grinch movie". All students are able to wear their pajamas and bring their blankets and pillows.
about 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
All Seniors should wear their Senior t-shirts for a retake group picture for the yearbook Wednesday during activity period in the New Gym.
about 6 years ago, High School
Any Beta member who participated in the Fruit and Meat fundraiser will need to pick up their orders before leaving school on Friday, Dec. 7. If you have a basketball game Friday, please make plans to have someone pick up for you.
about 6 years ago, High School
To the parents of fourth, fifth and sixth grade students. Tomorrow, November 29, will be our ACT Aspire Assembly. The assembly will be at 1:00 in the elementary gym. We hope you able to attend.
about 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
This is a message from the Piggott School District. Due to weather conditions, Piggott Schools will be closed tomorrow November 15th.
about 6 years ago, Technology Dept
Piggott school district will be dismissing at 2:45 today.
about 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
Piggott Mohawk Football has been nominated for the Yarnell's Sweetest Play of the Week. Go to the Kait8 Sports and scroll down to vote Today.
over 6 years ago, High School
Senior Composite Pictures are here. Senior Parents should have set up a time to view them. Deadline is tomorrow, Friday, November 2. Please contact Sherry Taylor at the PHS Administration Building if you have any questions.
over 6 years ago, High School
To the parents of Piggott Elementary students, on Halloween, Piggott Elementary will celebrate the last day for Down Syndrome Awareness. Students will be allowed to dress in their Halloween costumes with the exception of masks, and no all over face painting, for any donation amount. Than you for making Down Syndrome Awareness month a success!
over 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
Flu shots will be given at Piggott School tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 30. Students must have signed consent forms. Shots will be given at high school first and then at elementary school. We appreciate your support.
over 6 years ago, High School
Seniors: Don't forget tonight is FAFSA night. There will be a college representative here to help you with your Financial Aid applications for next year. Time is 5:30 in the high school library. Our career coach and counselor will also be here to help.
over 6 years ago, High School
There will be a special school board meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd. The meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Office.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
Parent-Teacher Conference will be Tuesday, Oct 23, from 2-8 p.m. School will dismissed at 1:25 for car riders and 1:30 for bus riders. There will be no school on Friday, Oct 26. Flu Shot Packets will be available. Flu Shot Clinic will be October 30.
over 6 years ago, High School
Parent Teacher conferences will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 23 from 2 to 8 p.m at both campuses. Elementary will be dismissed beginning at 1:15 and High School at 1:25. There will be no school on Friday, October 26.
over 6 years ago, High School
Tomorrow is Parent-Teacher Conference from 2-8 p.m. We are going to order pizza for tomorrow afternoon about 5 p.m. Price is $3 per person for anyone who is interested. We will take orders during 3rd period tomorrow.
over 6 years ago, High School
To the parents of all Piggott Elementary students. Tomorrow, October 19, children are allowed to either wear crazy socks or hats for a dollar donation for Down Syndrome Awareness. Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary